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Liquid Ripples
using your human design for changemaking(3).png

Applications are currently closed at this time.

The Program

I believe that the more people there are who live in an authentic and aligned way, the more the world is transformed by their gifts.


This program will support changemakers to become more aligned in their work and personal lives. This is for visionaries, change agents, facilitators, stewards, healers, artivists, intrapreneurs, social entrepreneurs and movement leaders. This program teaches you about how you are uniquely designed to live this incarnation of life with the most ease, alignment and flow. Change starts from each and every one of us, and Human Design offers an incredibly deep and nuanced way of doing just that.


Human Design can't offer the exact industry, social issue or position within an organisation for you to be aligned with. Human Design can offer nuanced gifts and themes that you can then consider for how you will apply it to your world and life.


What I can also offer is an immense shift in how you view and understand yourself and how you are meant to naturally operate in this world. You will gain new perspective, tools, strategies and guidance on how to move through your life and life's work from now on. Human Design teaches us that the more we each live according to how we were uniquely designed, the more our lives get easier and more fulfilling because we are walking in partnership with our soul and the universe (or other powers not in this plane).


This program is about shifting your job-work to your soul's work.


This program can be seen as part personal development and part professional development. You are welcome to join as a team of changemakers from the same organisation or movement or join on your own as an individual. I encourage you to invite others from your team to join the program with you so you can gain a deeper understanding of yourselves and each other to improve your working relationships and potentially organisational outcomes.


I look forward to supporting you to be, do, and live in the world as your most authentic self.

Intended outcomes

My intention with this program is to help changemakers like you to:


  • begin visualising shifting your 'work' into your soul's work

  • realise why some roles you have taken on in the past (or maybe present) were right up your alley and others were misaligned for how your Human Design operates

  • discover your physical energy rhythms to apply to your changemaking work, maybe your work schedule needs to shift? and maybe this begins the journey of addressing burnout or exhaustion

  • start to unlearn, shift and shed beliefs and behaviours that colonise your mind and body so you can re-align back to how you were designed

  • understand why your work relationships on your team may have had issues, or why you feel more energised around people or when you can work alone

  • refine your message and voice, advocacy is a big part of systems change work for many changemakers, but are you using the unique communication style and messaging that is most impactful when you open your mouth?

  • see, perhaps for the first time, that some of your gifts are being utilised in your changemaking while others are being repressed or used in their low expression

  • be given the emotional cues that are unique to you, that indicate if you are on your aligned soul's path or not (to refer to for the rest of your life)

  • catch yourself making decisions from a place that wasn't aligned for you and start making decisions from your soul's wisdom

  • shift delegation and responsibilities, based on how you and your team members handle pressure, such as high workload or urgent emergencies

  • build a healthy relationship with fear and uncertainty (which are inherent experiences in systems change work) that is aligned for you, some people are designed to be able to work with these themes in an active way while others in a receptive way

  • feel so much more appreciation and recognition for your impact and role in the story of this world's evolution, that perhaps when you wonder if you are making any impact, you can come back to this assuredness

  • see that perhaps, you don't want to change your role but you do want to change your focus area, or vice versa, perhaps you are passionate about the subject matter but your role needs to change

  • identify the theme that is your core wound to heal in this lifetime, to support you to step into your highest and most aligned self in your personal and work

  • discover how you are uniquely designed, and learn personalised guides and strategies, so that no matter where your life's work takes you, you know who you are, and how to approach things that allows you to stay true to you and inherently, live a life of more ease, flow and abundance.


I share my own personal journey of my experiences in systems change and all of the challenges below. I built this program to support people who had similar challenges as I have. There are 3 levels to this program.




In level 1, you will learn:

  • about the context of Human Design

  • how you uniquely make the most aligned decisions in your changemaking work,

  • what gifts you were born with that you can use in your work

  • the natural role you were born to take on in the human collective

  • how you are designed to deliver and contribute your gifts to the world

  • what decolonising and deconditioning looks like for you uniquely

  • and what your emotional frequency is that tells you whether or not you are on the right path in life for you.


In level 2, you will learn:

  • how you electromagnetically relate to others

  • where you are designed to contribute in the story of the world's evolution

  • your life purpose for this incarnation / lifetime

  • your aligned role in changemaking (e.g. the communicator, the healer, problem solver, luminary, trouble maker, visionary, or something else - borrowed from the Slow Factory)

  • your energetic rhythms physically (punchy, sustained each day, adrenaline based, etc.)

  • how you handle pressure and stress



In level 3, you will learn:

  • how you are designed to use questions as a tool for systems change

  • how you are designed to work with fear and uncertainty

  • what your natural perspective is (that is likely colouring your work and approaches)

  • how you are motivated in a nuanced way to do everything in life

  • what your ideal physical environment is to rest or be active in

  • how to decondition and stay in alignment with your highest and most authentic expression

  • what themes you can work on healing in your life to get back into alignment in your work and life as a whole

  • how you are designed to use futuring as a method in systems change

Program Structure

Each level lasts for 5 weeks:

Level 1 September 5th - October 6th 2023.

Level 2 will start October 17th - November 17th, 2023.

Level 3 will start November 28th - January 5th 2024.


There is a one-week long break in between each level.


You will need to know your birth date, location and TIME in order to participate. This is the information used to pull up your Human Design chart. If you need help with your birth time, read my FAQs.


Human Design encourages experimentation in order to see what fits and what doesn't for you, and also to help you integrate what you are intellectually learning. This is why this program is spread across for longer lengths of time so that you have 6-7 days in between each call to reflect, journal, contemplate, try things out in your daily life and come back to share the results with the group.




Group Calls

Every level has 1 live group call via Zoom each week. You can enter your preference of daytime (Friday mornings 10am-12pm Eastern Time) or evening (Tuesday evenings 6:30-8:30pm Eastern Time) in the application form and emi will go with the majority preference for the group. Group calls are based on each topic you will learn about and you will have a chance to participate in exercises, share reflections with one another to further your integration and learning, and ask clarifying questions with emi.


If you miss live calls, you will be able to watch the recordings.




Video Lessons

The lessons are accessible via a course platform were you will make an account and access recorded videos. You will be able to access the lesson videos forever, even after the calls are done! Any new videos or bonuses that are added on in the future will also be accessible for you as well! You will have the option to join a group chat that is available for participants of this program, for every cohort joining moving forward.


Guest lecturers may be invited to share lessons and possibly join live calls. This is still being worked on and will be announced later on.


Level 1 - $222 CAD

Level 2 - $222 CAD

Level 3 - $222 CAD

Each level is a prerequisite for the next. In total, this is 15 calls of being hosted in live group conversations with an expert facilitator, and over 22 classes on personalized topics.


Discounts will be given to individuals who sign up for multiple levels at the same time.

All 3 levels - $600

Levels 1 & 2 - $400


*3 Scholarships are available for a significantly reduced rate. Please indicate this request in the application form. This is for folks who are BIPOC and/or cannot access this program but have a desire to learn this information for their changemaking work.


Applications are currently closed at this time.

Or if you're ready to apply,

Limited spots are available, priority is given to BIPOC changemakers.

If this application is a barrier for you, I'm happy to hop on a call or find alternatives to help you to apply!

Why trust emi?

emi has worked in systems change and social change for over 15 years. It started with being involved in high school with initiating and organising bake sales and auctions in fundraisers to raise funds for international aid during natural disasters. Then it evolved to studying and supporting community discussions around the Black experience in New York and what empowerment means in all of its diversity of being African American. Then it evolved to working against traditional, racist and ignorant hiring practices in South Korea, engaging with a expat lawyer and local media to encourage private and public education institutions to hire African Americans as English teachers. Then I became an event and conference organiser to engage marginalised youth in Toronto in the arts, particularly the arts surrounding hip hop culture, including graffiti art, breakdance, learning how to make music, learning about positive hip hop music, and how hip hop was started as a medium for African American expression, storytelling, and liberation. And how this medium spread to other oppressed and marginalised cultures around the world. After that, my world opened up in Toronto to a whole network of incredibly passionate changemakers who worked in the arts, and education. I was asked to come lead a network of grassroots organisations who were led by youth, serving youth in low-income neighbourhoods. This was another pivotal moment in her career of learning an exponential amount about the history of changemaking, systems change, social justice movements and celebrated leaders and thinkers. I saw how intergenerational trauma from colonisation, imperialism, capitalism and wars, was impacting so many of our interactions, words and behaviours on a grassroots, community level. I was also consulting and advocating to local politicians and charitable foundations about the realities of the racial discrimination and economic barriers the youth I was supporting were experiencing and how our educational, non-profit and municipal systems were failing them. I became a bit infamous locally for being a passionate, often angry critic of funding systems in the non-profit industrial complex, who got a lot done, who was a powerhouse but who was deeply wounded herself. At this point, I was involved in change work in a multitude of approaches and areas. In innovation and social entrepreneurship as a sector, using design thinking and human-centered design and learning about Transition Towns, community libraries and repair shops. I was learning about regenerative economics, Indigenous sovereignty, permaculture, disability justice, gender and trans history, and so much more. As well as facilitation and hosting of meaningful community discussion, using Art of Hosting practice, Deep Democracy, 4-fold practice, appreciative inquiry, open space technology, fish bowl and more. I became a very excellent group facilitator for organisational change and community dialogue that was based on sensitive subject matter. Unsurprisingly, I got burned out. I had no personal understanding of what self-care was. I was carrying lots of emotional trauma from my own lived experience of romantic partner violence and of course, systemic oppression of various forms in addition to supporting many young people with their own slew of mental, intergenerational and emotional traumas. The sense of urgency and stress overwhelmed me even though I tried to ride with it for so long. I stopped working for almost a year. I focused on healing my PTSD and went very deep into that - I think I do almost everything deeply. I eventually found myself ready to go back into the world again. I then started (and never finished) a Masters program that exposed me to strategic foresight and futures work. This fascinating approach inspired me to design and facilitate a 5-week writing program for BIPOC to envision and write radical futures. It ended up being an incredibly healing experience where 5 women, from 5 different cultures and countries felt seen and heard and had a special experience of imagining new worlds together, which is a very vulnerable and revolutionary act. You can read more about that here and read their work in our zine!! I then took a job a my provincial elections body working in their innovation department. I worked there for 5 and a half years, working as an intrepreneur, socialising the idea of changing processes, mental models and approaches to our work in delivering fair and equitable elections. I became a manager of the department and around the pandemic, found Human Design! I wasn't able to move systems and change things at the rate or in the sphere that I wanted to in the public sector and I was looking for how I could find more aligned work for me. As I discovered more and more about myself (and continuously felt seen and recognized by the Human Design system), I wanted to learn more and eventually felt inspired to share this modality with other people like me. Now, I look back at my career and see how I was in alignment with my design, and I also see where I wasn't. It's an incredible gift to be able to access this knowledge of the system and change your life from it. There's so much more I can say for how this system has opened my eyes to everything in my life but I'll keep it short here. The point is, I've learned a ton, made lots of mistakes, suffered a lot, been exposed to a lot, and built this program for people who have had similar challenges. I am an expert facilitator, and I look forward to facilitating the group calls. I have utmost confidence in this system changing how your see yourself and your life. I have studied Human Design from 4 different teachers and many different books. This may be the only program in the world that is merging Systems Change x Human Design but it makes a lot of sense, you'll see why. I hope you resonate with my story, and you are interested in this journey of using Human Design as a tool to support your changemaking work! I love the idea that I get to help the people who are making a beautiful difference in the world. Thank you for reading this far. You're a trooper! Hope to see you in the program!

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