Each energy type has a corresponding strategy.
This is a life strategy that you can use for everything you do, every single day.
It is the appropriate guide for you to live authentically, as you were designed, and it will lead you to fulfilling experiences and situations that feel good to you and are right for your design and inherently, natural for you.
Each Type's corresponding Strategy is easier to understand when you first understand their aura. So, you can read my post about auras first, if you haven't already.

Manifestor Strategy
To inform and initiate
For all Manifestors, the life strategy that will guide you best is to initiate. You are probably initiating people into new life directions or new hobbies or you are initiating events, processes, new directions, reactions, etc. all the time, without even knowing it. It is important that you become more aware of this. The more you initiate from an authentic place, the more you will experience flow in your life. You are meant to be the fire starter for the Collective.
Initiating means starting something, a new direction, a new event, a new hobby, a trip somewhere, a new job, business, product, anything that was not there before! Manifestors are non-verbal divine creators. They just aren’t wired to speak what they envision or intend. The important part about initiating is that you must tell people who will be impacted that you are about to do something new. People around you may feel under-appreciated, put-off or surprised and offended by your actions. They may question you, be worried, or try to stop you for whatever reason. Often, Manifestors don’t realize how much people cannot ‘read’ or sense us through our dense auras.

So, the Manifestor's aura of being closed, dense or impenetrable supports us to stay focused on our internal world and the creative urges that want to be initiated and birthed from us. We don't have an open aura that leaves room for distraction or being too focused on our external world. However, because people can't necessarily sense what we're up to, it is important that we add a tactic to our repertoire as Manifestors.
The tactic underneath the strategy is to inform before you initiate anything. Inform, inform, inform. If you inform them ahead of time so that they don’t inadvertently create barriers or friction in your pathway. You will experience less resistance in your path both literally and energetically if you inform first before you initiate. Let people know what’s swirling around in your mind.
What slight urges do you have?
What intentions and expectations have you set for yourself or for the group?
What are you worried about?
What are you hoping for or trying to avoid or prevent?
Communicate these things to the people around you who might be impacted. The Universe and people will move barriers out of your path. If they do try to stop you, continue doing you. You are not asking for permission, saying “can I do this?”, you’re saying “I am going to do this, just letting you know.”
The bigger the move is, the more it is important that you inform those who will care. Remember, more people care and will be impacted by you than you might think. Also remember, people who care about you want you to be able to do what makes you happy, so let them in on that. Practice finding safety in speaking about what you want in small ways first if this feels hard for you. This might mean, saying “I’m going out with my friends on Saturday night.”
I get into more detail and practicality about informing in my private readings with Manifestor clients. So, if you're a Manifestor, feel free to consider a reading with me.
Projector Strategy
To be recognized and then invited for your gifts
As a Projector, it will serve you best if you follow these steps:
identify your passions and focus on learning about whatever topics you are intrigued by,
receive recognition of your knowledge, expertise and natural gifts and receive invitations to share your gifts and wisdom. Ensure that your passions which for you, are your gifts, are things that others can see and share your gifts so that people can find them.
The saying “build it and they will come” is very true for you. Just remember, not to dive into gifts or areas you love with the motive to prompt people to come. Do not dive into your gifts and interests for other people, always do it for yourself. Think of your genuine personal interests and passions as a gift from the universe or an invitation to your soul, because these are exactly what you will be recognized for and invited to share so that you can fulfill your Projector contributions to the world.
Invitations to share your wisdom might be obvious, such as someone inviting you to come work for them or someone asking you for advice. And some invitations might be less obvious but indicate that an audience is seeking your gifts. An energetic or spiritual invitation might be your curiosity or interest towards something, or something keeps popping up in your life. Remember that some people's recognition of your gifts may not be an invitation. Invitations might expire and it is still aligned for you to follow up and ask if the invitation still stands. If you are too busy in your life, you might miss out on some invitations, ensure you leave space in your schedule for rest and for receiving invitations.

It is not going to serve you to push your advice and guidance on others if they didn’t ask you for it or to initiate or pitch ideas to other without being invited to. That approach will not attract invitations. You might be considered nosy, annoying, intrusive, disruptive or self-centered when you force your wisdom onto others. Your aura is penetrating and therefore noticeable, and when you push or force your way in, it could be off-putting for others. Simply focus your life on what you enjoy doing or learning about, in other words recharge your magnet, talk about it or share it and you’ll attract the recognition and invitations you seek.
Use your decision making authority, to decipher if an invitation is right for you to accept and engage in or not. You do not need invitations for every single event or situation in order to live in alignment. If you were invited into a friendship or job or romantic partnership, and you accepted the invitation, from then on, you have been invited on a fundamental basis and you don’t need smaller invitations for every single outing or conversation. If a situation is no longer serving you, you do not need an invitation to leave, it is aligned for you to take that responsibility upon yourself to leave.
Generator Strategy
To follow whatever lights you up
For your energy type, the best strategy to use your energy is to be responsive to the world around you. Watch for things that ignite excitement for you and follow your joy! In other words, check-in with your gut feelings before taking action. When your gut gets excited and says 'yes!' then that is the right way forward for you. 'Waiting to respond' means, stop being mentally reactive, and check in with your gut before you take action.
The more you do that, the more you will attract wonderful opportunities and things towards you!! Sit in the response field in your life. With your life-force, sacral energy, you are like a car at the start of a race, revving and getting your engine warmed up and waiting for the signal to GO! Just like this metaphor, you are meant to look out for the opportunities and signals to respond to, not to initiate or chase after things when you want them. You might feel tempted to go after things you want, but this is not correct or aligned for you.

As mentioned in an earlier post about your aura, your aura is magnetic. What would work better for you is to pause, and magnetise what you want towards you and then respond accordingly. This could include career opportunities, proposals, relationships, really anything! Think of it like you are a bird and your song attracts what you desire! They come towards your passion! Remember to be selective in what you respond ‘yes’ to. You don't want to waste your precious energy responding 'yes' to every single thing that comes your way. Saying 'yes' to things that are 'shoulds' or recommendations from other people or to obligations aren't correct for you. Feel the 'yes' and move forward only if you truly want to.
What if you really want something but the opportunity to respond hasn’t come up? Well, the good news is that your aura has a magnetic quality where it also prompts others to respond back to you! So you can use this to your benefit. You can express what you want in any given situation to someone or to the universe. Then you’ll feel a response within you that validates what you want, or the universe creates the opportunity for you to respond, and that's your green light; your sign to go! In summary, you can wait for a response from others that you can respond to in return to initiate you into action.
Manifesting Generator Strategy
To follow whatever lights you up, inform and initiate
Manifesting Generators have 2 strategies, at least in my books. Some Human Design teachers will only name the responsiveness but I include initiating and informing from watching the Mani Gens in my life.
The first part is, waiting to respond - Know that you are constantly noticing external stimuli around you, what you hear, what you see - from the people around you, nature, media, etc. The best strategy to use your energy is to be responsive to the world around you. Watch for things that ignite excitement for you and follow your joy! In other words, check-in with your gut feelings before taking action. When your gut gets excited and says 'yes!' then that is the right way forward for you. 'Waiting to respond' means, stop being mentally reactive, and check in with your gut before you take action.

With your life-force, sacral energy, you are like a car at the start of a race, revving and getting your engine warmed up and waiting for the signal to GO! Just like this metaphor, you are meant to wait for the opportunities and signals to respond to. You might feel tempted to go after things you want, and initiate, but this is not correct or aligned for you. Instead, sit in the response field in your life. "Waiting to respond" means, stop being reactive, and check in with your authority before you take action.
As mentioned in an earlier post, about your aura, your aura is magnetic. What would work best for you is to pause, and magnetise what you want towards you and then respond accordingly. This could include career opportunities, proposals to go somewhere or do something, relationships, really anything! Think of it like you are a bird and your song attracts what you desire! They come towards your passion! Remember to be selective about what you respond to. You don't want to waste your precious energy responding 'yes' to every single thing that comes your way. Saying 'yes' to things that are 'shoulds' or recommendations from other people or to obligations aren't correct for you. It would only drain your precious energy. Say 'yes' or move forward only if you truly want to.
What if you really want something but the opportunity to respond hasn’t come up? Well, the good news is that your aura has a magnetic quality where it also prompts others to respond back to you! So you can use this to your benefit. You can express what you want in any given situation to someone or to the universe, and get a response that validates what you want, or creates the opportunity for you to respond, and that's your green light; your sign to go! In summary, you can wait for a response from others that you can respond to in return to initiate you into action.
Now let’s talk about the second part: informing. Focus on your voice. You have an influential voice, when you open your mouth and speak or even when you write, it is influential and deeply impactful. The frequency that you speak from is a powerful one and even if you are speaking passively and nonchalantly, everyone else is moved, impacted, or remembers what you say. It is important that before you make a move, you inform people about what you are about to do before you do it. Sometimes people can get thrown off, surprised, feel left out and therefore feel resentful, worried, panicked, insecure or angry that you didn’t fill them in. If you let people know that you are about to do a big thing that might affect their expectations of you or the future in general, they will likely get out of your way and be more supportive of your actions. This could mean taking a trip somewhere, or starting a new hobby or changing your schedule or leaving a job. The people around you might be impacted by their expectations of how often you are available, what they think they can expect of you, etc. Even on a spiritual level, if you inform the universe of what you want, by speaking aloud to yourself in the shower or in the car for example, you are asking the universe essentially to remove the potential barriers out of your path that you’d like to take.
Reflector Strategy
To wait 28 days before making big decisions
As a Reflector, it is aligned for you to wait for a full lunar cycle (28 days) in order to make the best decisions for yourself. Your Strategy and Authority are actually the same. Your Strategy and Authority apply for big life decisions such as taking a job or not, moving to a new country or home, or engaging or breaking out of relationships. Sometimes it may require several lunar cycles for the clarity to come to you. Over time, you will have a sudden knowing or assuredness about the right decision for you.
As a Reflector, you have a very different Strategy than the other Types in Human Design. This is because you do not have any energy centres defined.
Because you do not have any energy centres defined, you are energetically receptive to the influence of the gate definitions from planetary movements. Reflector auras are more resistant to outside influence from people than it is influenced by planetary movements. Whereas other Types are more influenced by the people around them than the planetary movements.

You are especially influenced by the moon. In a full lunar cycle, you will be able to see things from all 360 degrees of perspectives each day, the same way that the moon orbits around the Earth to see it at all angles. This means variety of your environment and talking it out from a variety of angles is necessary for you to come to the right; correct; aligned decision for you. Turn to trusted people in your life to talk it out, use close loved ones as your sound board as you are thinking through your decision. Look for your own wisdom coming through as you soundboard with them or new things to consider rather than trying to find a decision out of what they say. Try being in different environments which may help you to experience different gate activations and see things from different angles.
Since you are the reflection of society and you reflect back how we are doing, it is helpful that you also experience a lot of society and its changes to be well informed before you make your big moves.
Now, do you see how the auras and the strategies work together? Refer to the image at the top if you like to reviewit. Or go back to the aura blog post to review further.