This gate is located in the Spleen centre. It can be connected to multiple gates to form channels. The channel of the Brainwave 57-20, the Channel of Power 34-57, and the Channel of Perfected Form 10-57.

This gate is known as ‘the Gentle’ in the i’Ching.
This is the most intuitive and psychic gate in the bodygraph.
This gate gives us access to receive the truth about the Now.
This gate carries with it a fear of the future as well.
This gate is associated with the right ear.
The talents associated with this gate include clairaudience and claircognizance.
This gate is about listening to your intuition to keep you safe in the now, moment to moment to moment.

Low expression of this gate:
The low expression occurs when the fear of the future overtakes the trust you have in your intuition telling you about the moment.
You might become frozen in petrification from the fear.
Or you may hear your intuition guiding you, but you still do not take action to follow it.
Remember that just because you cannot prove something or explain it logically, does not mean it is not true or useful.
In the Gene Keys system, the Repressive shadow is hesitancy, the reactive shadow is impetuousness. In hesitancy, the body knows what is correct and true, but the mind suppresses it and imposes doubt, anxiety or opinion. Impetuous decisions coming out of reactivity, or impulsivity, occur when our fear of the future and dealing with the unease is overwhelming. We may rush to a decision to eliminate the fear.
High expression of this gate:
This gate gives us the ability for instantaneous intuitive awareness to support our material, spiritual and physical wellness.
Our intuitive voice is meant to keep us healthy. We have the ability to clearly understand the present moment.
During this transit, you may hear the truth in the moment in your right ear, from a voice, otherwise known as clairaudience.
You may also be claircognizant where you simply just know, in the moment.
You are not designed to be influenced easily by others with this gate defined. This may lead to selective hearing.
You are sensitive to sounds that bother you, so rearrange your environment so you are more comfortable. Close a window on a loud street, or turn down the TV volume or put on music that you like instead of letting it annoy you.
You may not be able to explain the logic or rationale behind your intuition, it is a simple knowing.
In the high expression, you trust your instincts and intuitive guidance. Your intuition will tell you when it is the right time to take action.
Your intuition will also support you to prepare for things so that things can seamlessly unfold and flow.
At times, you might be able to predict the future.
In the Gene Keys system, the Gift is Intuition, the Siddhi is Clarity. Only through gentleness, and softness can you really tap into the Siddhi here.
“Clarity is the realization that everything is linked through gentleness.” - Richard Rudd, The Gene keys

Systems change lens:
From a systems lens, the only thing I can consider is imagining a world where humans trusted our intuitions the way animals might trust their instincts. What would a world like that look like?
In the previous Transit, I wrote about imagining a world where we relied less on the logical mind, reasoning, rationality to solve our world's crises. Not only would that require that we trust our own intuition when it speaks to us, but also trusting that in others.
If an employee of yours came to you and said, a voice spoke to me, we must do x, y, z. What would you do? If your employee could not explain logically how they know this, why they feel like it with such conviction, or if they know that it will work out or not?
If a mayor showed up on the local news and announced a multi-million dollar investment into something, and said that his intuition simply told him to do this. How would you react?
How do we teach children in schools, to trust these intuitions that they might feel, hear or see? That even though it does not make logical sense, it is worth trusting.
I find it intriguing that the larger the organization or group, the less the collective trusts intuition, and relies on logical explanation to inform strategy. Maybe this is not in every case, maybe not every leader leads with logic. Does an Army General trust their intuition? Do CEOs of Fortune 500 companies do this too? How do they convince their Board an executives?
Maybe the very reason we have found ourselves in the meta crisis is because we have lost our connection with our intuition.
The element associated to the hexagram 57 in the i’Ching is wind. This immediately reminded me of the hurricanes that we are experiencing around the world. When humans cannot predict what is coming in the wind, I can feel like a fear of the future. Wind can be a gentle breeze that eases the sun's heat on against our skin, or it can be a destructive force on our man-made structures. The unease that we might feel with strong winds is a metaphor for how we deal with the feeling of unease in general. In modern times we have come to rely on our mind and logical thinking, for a sense of safety that is external, instead of an internal safety from intuition.
I watched a documentary once about how a specific migratory bird species can more accurately predict the severity and timing of hurricanes thousands of miles away, then our best meteorological technology that exists today. This bird times its migration to the South, based on the hurricane season months in advance. Read more about that here.
These birds are incredibly attuned to the climate. Where we once this attuned thousands of years ago? Could humanity cultivate these skills into the future?
Reflection prompts:
Can I tell the difference between my mind's logical voice and my intuition?
Do I feel safe right now?
What am I afraid of about the future? If anything?
Have there been times in my life where I felt something, saw something like a vision, or heard something that tried to keep me safe?