There are 5 Types in Human Design, and 4 Auras. (Two of the Types share the same auric vibration.)
The 5 Types are:
Manifesting Generator
Projector, and
The Generator and Manifesting Generator share the same auric vibration.
Each of the 4 auras vibrate in a unique way and emanate a certain energy that can be felt, experienced and observed by others outside of its aura. Auras generally emanate around 2 arm lengths or 6 feet away from the physical body. This means that any time you are within 6 feet of another living being, you two are exchanging auric energy. Auras pass through mass, so even if you have a stone wall in between you two, your auras still emanate through it. It is also said that auras can travel online and through telecommunications such as phone calls or video calls. Especially when you already have met each other in-person, I find that the imprint is more easily recognizable (perhaps energetically, outside of your conscious awareness) when you see them next time online.
The Manifestor Type's Aura

The Manifestor aura acts like a veil. As a Manifestor, you have a dense and magnetic aura. Some Human Design readers call it 'closed' but I don't really like what this implies about the aura and I don't think it's as accurate a word as 'dense' is. It's kind of like a bubble around you that doesn't let much out nor let much in. It's so dense that it's more translucent than it is transparent, if auras were visible to the naked eye.

Since your aura is *almost* closed off, it acts like a veil that hides or blurs the details of you; people can’t sense or feel through the veil clearly and so they don’t know what to make of you when they first encounter you. They may wonder if they can trust you or if you are a threat or not. Especially if you're a woman Manifestor, some men can feel thrown off by how they can't sense you and may act rashly in response.
The other aspect of your aura is that it is magnetic. Magnets can either pull things towards it or push things away and that is how your aura works. It can either push people away as in, they may encounter you and not want to have anything to do with you and walk away. While other people may encounter you and be drawn in, want to become your best friend and are fascinated and enamoured with you.
The Projector Type's Aura

The Projector aura is focused and penetrating. It can focus on specific individuals and penetrate the auras of others at a deep level. When your aura penetrates others, they can feel deeply and authentically seen and heard by you. There is nothing like being seen for who you are by a Projector. You do well in one on one conversations because this penetrating quality of your aura is powerful in that setting. Your aura, when it’s not focused on someone, is open and absorbs the energy of others. The Projector aura is the most vulnerable to its environment. This can feel like a challenge, but in this sensitivity lies a gift.

Your aura is designed to be so open and absorbent so that you can deeply know and understand others which supports your fascination with people. This aura also helps you to recognize who is healthy for you and allows you to identify who can recognize you in return. Your open aura helps you in identifying the right environments to share your wisdom to. Your aura is also magnetic. The right people will be drawn to you when you are living in alignment with your design. When you have the right people in your circle, you can become very aligned with your Projector purpose.
The Generator and Manifesting Generator Types' Aura

As a Generator or Manifesting Generator, your aura is open, warm, and enveloping. People who interact with you will often see you as friendly and amicable. People can see through your aura (think, more transparent than translucent), and get a sense of who you are when they are around you.
When you are excited, passionate, and feeling joyful, you glow so brightly and you light up entire buildings! You can see your glow from miles away! When you glow, you attract.

Your aura attracts and embraces people, experiences and all of life with passion, gusto and open arms! Your aura is magnetizing as if you have a gravitational pull. It attracts opportunities, things or people towards you so that you can respond with a yes or a no. These things that bring your joy will just show up in your life as long as you keep your aura and time clear of unnecessary obligations. Obligatory tasks that you engage in will drain your life force energy and will reduce the space for joy in your aura. If other people’s auras sense there isn’t enough space for you to access your life force energy and you are operating at your capacity, they may not send opportunities or sources of joy your way.
The Reflector Type's Aura

The Reflector aura is referred to as sampling. Your aura picks up little hints of others’ auras. You are very connected to, and impcted by the cosmos, the seasons and your environments. You amplify the energies around you because of your energetic and auric openness. Your aura protects you however, from potential harms external to you. It is not as vulnerable as people may think, when they learn that you have no definition.

It acts like teflon, where nothing sticks to it or breaks through. Your aura helps make you very resilient. It is almost like the metaphor of skipping stones, where your aura is the surface of the water, reflecting the sunlight, moonlight and the stones, which don’t break through the surface while it’s skipping.
Now that you have learned about the auras, it may be easier for you to understand the Strategies of each Type.
Every Type has an associated Strategy, specific to them.
Each Type's Strategy will make a lot more sense and will be easier to remember once you know how it relates to their aura.