Working with the “low expression”, or “shadows” or the “not self” in your Human Design is never about getting rid of that part of you.
It's a part of you.
You have to see that. You cannot turn a blind eye to it and deem it not to be part of you. Or vow that you will never behave from the low expression so that you can always be in the high expression.
No, this is not the goal. That is futile anyway.
It's about facing yourself in the mirror and gaining self awareness. That's what Human Design is about.
And with this awareness, you have the OPTION to increase your ability to catch your lower expression earlier and earlier. And then you have the OPTION to lean and shift into the higher expression if you want to.
A lot of times, TRYING to get into the higher expression is futile too. It's like trying to fall asleep, the harder you try, the less your likelihood of sleeping. The effort, focus and tension on it is often the lower expression. ALLOWING is often the higher expression.
And maybe, you want to reduce your suffering, and your suffering might be due to living a life out of alignment. But I don't think living a life in alignment with your Design means you don't suffer anymore. Perhaps it's that your suffering becomes the right suffering you were meant to learn from and experience this lifetime. Maybe it's all to gain wisdom to prepare you for your next lifetime and subsequently after that.
Human Design simply shows you what your skin looks like in the mirror, what your limbs look like, how long they are, what color your hair is, metaphorically speaking.
And you can either decide to love what you see and learn how to use this body you've been born into and understand its limits and understand how it can grow too, or you can decide to reject it.